Friday, 7 August 2009

I've been tagged...

Okay...I was tagged to do this silly 10 questions thing, so here goes...

1. Do you have Flinstone or Jetson toes? Um, not sure. I mean my toes aren't particularly fat, but they're also not long, so...yeah, don't know.

2. What did you have for breakfast? Cereal and fruit.

3. Do you name things? Sometimes. I mean I name my stuffed animals, and I give my dog Tacey a million stupid nicknames, such as: Beegadoors, Meegadermeatzees, Mings, Mingy...and the list goes on. How I came up with them? No idea. And yes, I'm weird.

4. What do you want for Christmas? Honestly? Happiness. I want to not be depressed, and almost completely out of my eating disorder. That'd be the best damn thing ever.

5. Favorite movie quote: My favourite is from Austin Powers Goldmember -
Nigel Powers: So, little fella, I'm curious. Is everything in proportion?
Mini Me: [Mini-Me nods unsure]
Nigel: You know, your bobby dangler, giggle stick, your general-two-colonels, master of ceremonies... Yeah, don't be shy, let's have a look.
Mini Me: [Mini-Me unzips his pants]
Nigel: My lord! You're a tripod. What you been feeding that thing, eh? It looks like a baby's arm holding an apple. Good thing is, if you ever get tired, you can use it as a kickstand!
Mini Me: [Mini-Me nods, smiling] (I literally love those films...I've watched them more times than I can count. So hilarious. :oP)

6. What are some of your phobias? Germs. That's basically the only phobia I have. I'm so afraid of germs - hence the OCD. The OCD came out of my fear of germs.

7. If you had to change your hair color, what would you change it to? I've always wanted red hair. Not red red, but you know, natural red hair colour. But it wouldn't work with my skin tone..

8. What is your dream job? Zoologist. Well, I mean, I have a lot of dream jobs. What I actually day dream about though, is: Being a chemist, and winning a Nobel prize, and once I've achieved that I want to travel the world and save helpless animals in the wilderness. Once I'm done with that maybe slow down a bit and write an award winning novel...that's not all I dream of, but I won't list the other things right now. Haha.

9. What Hollywood star do you think is hot? Daniel Radcliffe. He is so sexy...

10. Are you embarrassed that you have nothing better to do than fill out this survey?
Yeah...just a wee bit.


Gena said...

I LOVE your movie quote. And Harry Potter is HOT, so hot.