Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Trapped in hell with a beautiful illusion...

All I can say at this very moment, is...

Fighting Anna is not easy at all.


Gena said...

But the good thing is you are FIGHTING. I am watching you, seeing how strong you are. I see you eat and I love it. I know how hard it is each and every day, each and every meal. You will beat the demon - of that I have no doubt. But, the road is a long and difficult one. I love you.

Anonymous said...

the thing you have to remember is the only power she has is your fear, and fear is only an emotion and is harmless. as such, she is harmless and can do nothing to you.

take that power away, and there's nothing left, and then she'll disappear. you can win this battle, I've always had faith in you, and I still do :o)