Sunday, 24 May 2009

What is love?...

The question so often arises, yet no one can truly answer it in a "proper" way. Love is merely different to everyone. It effects each individual in an original and special way, so no one can truly answer that question "correctly". But I am here right now, to share my version of the feeling. And I know what you are all thinking "How the fuck can a fifteen year old give an opinion on love?". Well, it may seem crazy, but I have had my share of love already - despite my young age.

So today, I will share with you, how I would answer this popular question...

What is love? Love, to me, is so many things. And I'm talking about the special kind obviously - the kind of love you don't feel for your friends, or family members.

Love is when you think about that special person, and feel so overwhelmed with happiness and joy, and obviously love for them, that you can't even bear it. You just want to shout it right there, right then, that you love said person so incredibly much. And when they're not there with you, you want to text them, call them, something just to remind them of how much you truly love them.

Love is when you think of the future with the person you're in love with, and get excited, and ridiculously ready to just skip ahead, and start it. You don't get nervous, or scared, or anxious. You're just ready - ready for the day that marks the rest of your lives' together - to get to hold each other in bed each night, wake up next to the one you love each morning, and see their lovely face, comfort each other when you're at your worst, listen and understand each other, grow old together.

Love is when you realise kids aren't so bad after all - that you actually kind of want a couple of the little ankle biters yourself now, because it just feels so right, and so wonderful to think about.

Love is when everything becomes more enjoyable again - when you suddenly have a thirst for life, and a hunger for the days to come - when you become happier, and an overall better person, if you are in love with the right one.

Love is talking for hours about something completely silly, and not caring because you're just so happy to be with them - doing anything, or nothing at all, it doesn't matter. When you're with the one you love, it just doesn't matter what happens, or what you do. Because it simply isn't important.

Love is worrying about the other person when you're not with them, because you are terrified of losing them. Love is when you'd lay down your life for the other person, and not have a single doubt in mind.

Love is so many things, and I could sit here for hours listing my answer to this common question. All I know is, is that no matter if you are in your teens, or your twenties, or your thirties, forties, fifties, and so on - love is possible. Finding the one you want to be with for the rest of your life is possible, no matter if you are 16 or 60, it is real, and it is love. Now I won't say that all teenagers are really in love when they think they are, but some are. It is pretty rare, but it happens, and I know this.

So say what you may. I know I am young, I know I have not experienced quite a lot yet, but I have experienced this. And it is a feeling that I know won't go away, because I know my heart.

"If I lived for a million years, with illnesses coming and going, tragedy and pain, it would not matter. As long as I lived that million years, with you."


Gena said...

That is lovely. And, one of the best definitions of love that I've seen.

I love YOU.